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300 Children

Approximately 300 children in the United States are diagnosed with DIPG each year

The Deadliest Pediatric Cancer

Nine Months

The median survival for a child diagnosed with DIPG is 9 months

Two Percent

The five-year survival rate for a child diagnosed with DIPG is 2 percent


Dedicated To Fighting DIPG

Abby’s Corner was founded in 2022 in memory of Abby’s Legacy and will continue funding research to help keep ensure we continue the seeing the beautiful smiles of our loved ones.

Make A Donation

Help us find the cure to DIPG and work to a better future with more smiles.

Make A Donation

Help us find the cure to DIPG and work to a better future with more smiles.

Learn More About DIPG and Our Fight Against It

  • "A rare, fast-growing tumor that forms in cells called glial cells in a part of the brain stem called the pons. DIPGs tend to spread to nearby tissue and other parts of the brain stem, are hard to treat, and have a poor prognosis (outcome). They usually occur in children. Also called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma."


    - National Cancer Institute

    Pediatrics Deadliest Brain Tumor

  • "Researchers do not yet know what causes DIPG. Like most cancers, DIPG occurs when something goes wrong with the process of cell reproduction. However, unlike many other cancers, there is no evidence that indicates DIPG is caused by environmental factors (exposure to chemicals or radiation), or specific inherited genetic variations."

    -The DIPG/DMG Resource Network

    • Problems with eye movement including double vision, drooping eyelids and inability to completely close eyes.

    • ​Facial weakness, drooping on one side of the face

    • Sudden appearance of hearing problems, including deafness.

    • Trouble chewing or swallowing, gagging while eating

    • Limb weakness, difficulty standing or walking, abnormal gaits, unbalanced limb movements

    • Headache

    • Nausea and vomiting from brain edema (swelling) or hydrocephalus. 

    • Surgery is not currently considered an option in DIPG patients due to the its location in a critical area for many major life functions, the brain stem.

    • ​Chemotherapy is generally ineffective in combatting DIPG, although experimental chemotherapy drugs have been used in conjunction with radiation therapy.​

    • Radiation therapy is the current standard of care for DIPG patients and is effective for lengthening the expected lifespan post diagnosis by a few months. However, it is not a cure.

    Clinical trials offer patients and families potential treatment alternatives to the aforementioned options.

Providing Support to Families in the Fight

We know too well the financial obstacles that families face when combatting a DIPG diagnosis.


If your family is currently in the fight and requires assistance, please reach out to us to determine how we may help ease some of the financial burden.

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